Yara | Aura Reading
What Colour is your aura? And what kind of person are you?
Service Description
Available Online Only. Allow 48 hr window for receiving. Half-hr Zoom meeting for your Aura Reading + Aura Spotting Colour Image Report representing what I see. A Portrait of yourself is required - Bust or Chest up, please email this after payment. The Aura Reading "Yara" Zoom link will be shared via email, and I will also provide a PNG and JPEG version of your Yara Aura Spotting Colour Image Report for best upload and printing qualities. Why get an aura reading, what can it do? Aura readings are normally for entertainment purposes but there are a few cool things it can show me/tell you, such as; 1. How alive you are? do you live mainly within the physical realm or the spirit realm. 2. Whether you are more in tune with your masculine energies or feminine energies, or whether you are neutral or unpolarized and balanced between both yin and yang 3. If you hold a lighter/more positive energy or a darker/more negative energy 4. I may be able to tell if a person has been a "victim" or "attacker" (for instance, taken someoneʼs life, or attempted to take your own life, or hurt people, or taken advantage of someone, or cheated on someone/been cheated on, is a S.A.S, etc, etc), 5. May be able to tell me what your true sexual orientation is 6. Whether one is gifted with psychic or mystical abilities 7. And one of the best parts in my opinion (as this is one of my special abilities), is if you have been bestowed with Angel Aura. Angel Aura is the rarest, purist Auras there is, even more so than the pure white aura; it shows a divine light soul, energy which literally brings tears to my eyes, it is overwhelming and holds high levels of knowledge and wisdom (they're normally shaped as wings of opalescent light emanating from ones being - hence Angel Aura).
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact Lady at least 2 days in advance if it is for an in-person service or event, or a tarot reading for 1 person or more. If it is an online reading or service, or a reading for up to 2 persons, please give Lady at least 48 hrs' notice in advance. Refunds will not be processed after the windows given above.
Contact Details
Queenstown, New Zealand