For many people, life seems a bit odd and iffy at the moment...
There's a lot of uncertainty, fear, anxiety... due to many changes popping up here and there, but because of this, there's also lots of excitement, appreciation, and gratitude...
So much love has been shared around during this pandemic...
at least that's what I believe we should choose to focus on.
I'm so grateful to be in a country where covid "disappeared" as quickly as it appeared, and I know that I should feel very lucky and show just how much I appreciate being here because many people aren't where I am and are still scared, still living in fear, still in a lockdown that is seemingly never-ending...
All I know is this
Let's be sure to focus on what it is we want and not what we don't.
Let's keep sending our love to one another and stay positive.
Keep up the good work and find something you can be grateful for each and every day. Because beautiful, you are loved and you are light...
and hey, you're still shining. ✨
- Lady ☾